What is Biblio/Poetry Therapy?
Using poems or other literature, to prompt thoughts and emotions, biblio/poetry therapy invites you to explore your issues through a journal. Even the ancient Greeks understood that language has healing power. Poetry therapy is practiced in schools, corporations, hospitals, treatment centers, correctional facilities, and private practices throughout the country.
The Purpose of Poetry Therapy is…
Goals of Poetry Therapy
Poetry therapy has many benefits, including enhanced:
- self-expression
- emotional and cognitive awareness
- self-discovery and self-understanding
- responsiveness to images, thoughts, and feelings
- communication skills of listening and speaking
- interpersonal skills
- problem-solving and coping skills
- integration of divergent aspects of self
- appreciation of beauty and order
Poetry therapy enhances your ability to deal creatively with life challenges. The energy of poetic and literary device leads to new ideas, new information, and new meanings. Research has proven that writing positively affects heart rate, blood pressure, and the immune system. The process of reading, writing, and speaking from the heart assists in stress reduction and the restoration of emotional equilibrium.